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Wellman: The Art of Cross-Examination


Chapter I: Introductory

Chapter II: The Manner of Cross-Examination

Chapter III: The Matter of Cross-Examination

Chapter IV: Cross-examination of the perjured witness

Chapter V: Cross-examination of Experts

Chapter VI: The Sequence of Cross-Examination

Chapter VII: Silent Cross-Examination

Chapter VIII: Cross-Examination to the ‘Fallacies of Testimony’

Chapter IX: Cross-Examination to the Probabilities, Personality of the Examiner, etc.

Chapter X: Cross-Examination to Credit, and its Abuses

Chapter XI: Some famous cross-examiners and their methods

Chapter XII: The cross-examination of Miss Martinez by Hon. Joseph H. Choate in the celebrated Breach of Promise case, Martinez v. Del Valle

Chapter XIII: The cross-examination of Richard Pigott by Sir Charles Russell before the Parnell Commission

Chapter XIV: The cross-examination of Dr. _ in the Carlyle W. Harris Case

Chapter XV: The Bellevue Hospital Case

Chapter XVI: The cross-examination of Guiteay, the assassin of President Garfield, by Mr. John K. Porter

Chapter XVII: The cross-examination of Russell Sage in Laidlaw v. Sage (second trial) by Hon. Joseph H. Choate

Chapter XVIII: Golden Rules for the Examination of Witnesses